Monday, August 30, 2010

Guatemala....with subtitles

Three's company too.  At one o'clock this afternoon Riding for ROMP 2010 became Riding for ROMP 2010 with an official SAG vehicle.  SAG "support and gear" for Greg and Pat.  They crossed the border today around 11:45 and I met them an hour later.  This is the final stretch.  Last night, driving from Guatemala City to Coatepeque I was astonished by the absolute downpour, the tropical deluge that was soaking plastic bag covered bicyclists.  Wondering what Greg and pat were dealing with on the other side of the border.  The rains have been heavy during the last few days here in Guatemala.  So bad that roads are being swept away, bridges knocked down and possesions washed away.  This has been the Guatemalan summer, or "winter" as they call the rainy season.  Today was not one of those rainy days.  We switched tires, unloaded the saddle bags, the tools and anything heavy.  After 72 days, Greg and Pat lightened their loads and sped up a bit.  We are now in Coatepeque.  Nothing special here except the whole roasted pig for those delicious 85 cent tacos and the gas station ice cream that seemed a perfect match for the evening's brew.  They two have accomplished something amazing and they're not even done yet.  I'm proud to call one my brother and the other a good friend.

Greg's rear rim is showing some severe signs of stress.  Some cracks are forming and it's time to repair.  We're going into Guatemala City tomorrow to switch the rim.  They'll need the days rest because Wednesday it's a hard climb.  50 miles distance, not much for these two, but a 6000 foot climb into the highlands that won't exactly be a piece of torta.

I have some great photos but the internet is too slow and they wont attach.  Another day.  For now, a good night's sleep.  


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